Distribution Lists




Email distribution lists, also known as mailing lists, listservs or discussion lists, allow people with common interests to easily share information and participate in discussions by sending messages to a single email address. Typically, distribution lists are used for defined groups that need to receive communications on a regular bases. For example, "All KU Faculty & Staff" and "All KU Students" distribution lists are routinely used to send campuswide messages.

Distribution lists also can be used by individuals and campus groups to communicate with list members both inside and outside the University of Kansas. For example, a researcher could create a distribution list to communicate with a group of colleagues at other institutions.

KU IT offers two list serving methods: 1) KU Group Lists, and 2) Mailman.

KU Group Lists

KU Group Lists use the capabilities of Microsoft Exchange Distribution Lists and can be used for purposes other than just email, including group calendars and assigning rights to folders. Only KU faculty, staff and students with a KU Online ID can be included in a KU Group List.

There are two types of KU Group Lists:

  • Course Group Lists
  • Non-course Group Lists

Mailman Lists

Using the Mailman email distribution list service, KU faculty and staff can create mailing lists that include external subscribers. Mailman offers a convenient, web-based interface for list owners to configure their lists, manage subscription settings, approve messages if a list is moderated, and more. List subscribers also can manage their individual preferences through a similar web-based interface.

Find more information and compare Group Lists vs. Mailman Lists on the Email Distribution List page.


KU Group Lists

Course Group Lists

Instructors of Record can create Course KU Group Lists by visiting Course Groups and selecting "Add New Course Group" from the top menu. Detailed instructions on how to create a course-related KU Group can be found in the Knowledge Base.

Non-course Group List

To request a Non-course KU Group List, please complete the Group List request form* in TDX.

View KU Group Lists

Visit My Groups to view the KU Group Lists that you own or are a member.

Mailman Mailing Lists

Please complete the Group List request form* in TDX.

*Your answers to questions on the distribution list request form will help determine whether you need a KU Group List or Mailman List. The form will present the appropriate option depending on your answers.


KU Group Lists

For technical help with a KU Group list, send a description of the problem to the KU Group List Administrator at kugrouplists@ku.edu, or contact the KU IT Customer Service Center at itcsc@ku.edu or 785-864-8080.

Mailman Lists

For technical help with Mailman Lists, search the KU IT Knowledge Base using the keyword "Mailman" or contact the KU IT Customer Service Center at itcsc@ku.edu or 785-864-8080.

Visit the Mailman website for more information.

Training and Tutorials

New list owners can request a desk-side coaching session from KU IT’s Technology Instruction & Engagement team for help in learning to use Mailman. To schedule an appointment, or for more information, call 785-864-5155 or email tie@ku.edu.


Email and Messaging

Distribution Lists