Research Technology Support

Workstation and other technology support for researchers is provided by KU Information Technology through our Research Technology Support Center (TSCs). The TSC model provides local support while leveraging the efficiencies and benefits of centralized management. The model streamlines processes, creates new channels of communication and feedback and fosters customer-focused decision-making.

The TSC hybrid model is based on:

  • Centrally managed support teams that are located in close proximity to the customers they serve.
  • A tiered structure that gives frontline support staff the ability to escalate particularly difficult service issues.
  • Shared decision-making between unit leader and KU IT to meet customer needs.

The frontline TSC staff who provide direct support to researchers, are backed up by Tier 2 support staff who can help analyze, diagnose and resolve more challenging technology issues. The most difficult and complex technology issues are escalated to experts in KU IT who have specialized knowledge and experience.

The Research TSC staff is generally available during standard business hours. The IT Customer Service Center provides after hours and weekend IT support at:

Grant Proposals

Due to the availability of central resources and multiple tiers of technology support staff, it is difficult to determine the approximate value for the services you receive in your research area. An estimate may be important for computation of services received from the university for use in your grants. We suggest you use the following formula to estimate an approximate total benefit that you are receiving from the university for workstation support:

>10multiply by $480


Cost is based on an estimate of about $480/year to support a computer that is centrally managed and this rate is approved by KU Comptroller’s Office.