Emma HQ






Emma HQ (similar to MailChimp, ConstantContact, etc.) helps communicators and organizations manage their email marketing, promotion and outreach strategy by providing a platform for creating and managing email messages to large groups. Communicators can use built-in KU-branded templates, or design their own templates to engage with internal and external stakeholders. Emma HQ provides metrics and analytics, including open rates, click-throughs, etc.


Unit Subaccounts

A unit communicator or other authorized delegate must request an Emma HQ subaccount. Because KU has a limited number of subaccounts available, some units are required to use a shared subaccount. Please contact itcoms@ku.edu to discuss your unit's communication needs and practices.

Individual Access

Access to the Emma HQ platform is available to select faculty and staff, primarily those in communications positions. Contact itcoms@ku.edu to determine eligibility and request access.

There are three basic permission levels available to communicators in Emma HQ.

  • Full — Can create and send mailings, and can access the Audience section. Cannot add team members, edit permission levels, export audience data, manage billing, or purge archived items.
  • Editor — Can create and edit mailings (but cannot send), and can access the Audience section. Cannot add team members, edit permission levels, export audience data, manage billing, or purge archived items.
  • Author — Can create and edit mailings (but cannot send). Cannot access the Audience section, add team members, edit permission levels, export audience data, manage billing, or purge archived items.

IT security best practice is to provide the lowest level of access needed to accomplish an individual's job responsibilities. So, for example, if “Terry” writes stories and helps put together messages, but someone else always reviews, approves and hits the “send” button, then Terry should only be an Author or Editor.


Log in to Emma HQ through KU Single Sign-On (SSO)


Visit the Emma Support Hub.

Limited support is available by contacting itcoms@ku.edu.

Training and Tutorials

Visit the Emma Support Hub.


Email and Messaging

Emma HQ