Server Hosting & Management




KU IT maintains an on-campus data center for hosting physical and virtual servers.

KU campus units and departments are encouraged to locate physical or virtual servers in the secure and climate-controlled KU IT Data Center rather than housing them in their own campus locations.

Hosted server management services include:

  • 24/7 system monitoring
  • Controlled power and temperature environment
  • Secure facility
  • Daily backups
  • Offsite storage and restoration services
  • Problem management

KU IT will work with individuals and departments to design a managed services agreement that meets their needs.

As part of the process, KU IT Security Office will complete a thorough security review of the equipment and help resolve issues. Server administrators will be asked to complete facilities support documentation. In some cases a virtual machine may be a better option than moving ore locating a physical server.


Fees involved in providing this service vary depending upon individual server requirements. The fees will be included in a managed services agreement developed in consultation with individual departments.


Please complete the appropriate online form for your needs:

For more information contact the KU IT Customer Service Center at or 785-864-8080.


Support is available through the KU Information Technology Customer Service Center at or 785-864-8080.


Servers, Data and Storage

Server Hosting & Management