Inclusive Language

Diverse people with speech bubbles above their heads

As a society, we increasingly recognize that some words, phrases and terms cause harm to marginalized groups by perpetuating bias and reinforcing false perceptions and stereotypes. Most people are aware of egregious examples, but other words and phrases may be more subtly discriminatory or have historic roots that are problematic.

KU Information Technology is working to address historic inequities in our industry and create a diverse, equitable and inclusive environment where everyone belongs. The language we use personally and professionally matters, because words have the power to either exclude or include.

We are working to change the traditional IT terminology that does not represent our values of Impact & Belonging and our commitment to a Community of Care.

For more information about our Impact & Belonging efforts, please contact our KU IT Impact Advisor at

What is Inclusive Language?

Inclusive language refers to the use of language that avoids excluding certain groups of people or perpetuating stereotypes. It aims to treat all individuals with respect and dignity, regardless of their characteristics such as gender, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, disability, or other factors. Inclusive language is important in fostering a diverse and respectful community, promoting equality, and avoiding language that may unintentionally marginalize or exclude certain groups. It is a key aspect of promoting diversity and creating a more inclusive and welcoming society.

Share Your Feedback

If you know terminology that may be problematic and isn't listed below, please let us know!
Inclusive Language
Historical LanguageInclusive LanguageContext
black boxclosed box, closed system,Using "black" when referring to things that are bad, wrong or undesirable and "white" for things that are good, right or desirable perpetuates perceptions and stereotypes that harm and/or oppress people of color.
black hat hackermalicious hacker, unethical hacker, criminalUsing "black" when referring to things that are bad, wrong or undesirable and "white" for things that are good, right or desirable perpetuates perceptions and stereotypes that harm and/or oppress people of color.
black listdeny/denied listUsing "black" when referring to things that are bad, wrong or undesirable and "white" for things that are good, right or desirable perpetuates perceptions and stereotypes that harm and/or oppress people of color.  
black out days/datesblocked days/datesUsing "black" when referring to things that are bad, wrong or undesirable and "white" for things that are good, right or desirable perpetuates perceptions and stereotypes that harm and/or oppress people of color.  
dumb terminalterminal, thin clientThe term "dumb" historically referred to someone who was mute and often considered helpless or not intelligent.
dummy valueplaceholder value, sample valueThe term "dumb" historically referred to someone who was mute and often considered helpless or not intelligent.
first-class citizentypeImplies that others are second-class or lower class, which is a form of classism that favors certain groups and perpetuates prejudice against other groups.
first-class control, first-class functionobject control, object functionImplies that others are second-class or lower class, which is a form of classism that favors certain groups and perpetuates prejudice against other groups.
first-class data typeentityImplies that others are second-class or lower class, which is a form of classism that favors certain groups and perpetuates prejudice against other groups.
grandfathered in, grandfathering, grandfather clauselegacy, legacy status, exemptIn the context of voting rights, the grandfather clause was used in the Southern United States in the late 19th and early 20th to disenfranchise Black voters. Under these clauses, individuals were only allowed to vote if they or their ancestors had been eligible to vote before a specific date. Since many African Americans were disenfranchised before that date due to discriminatory practices such as poll taxes, literacy tests, and violence, the grandfather clause effectively excluded them from voting.
Kanban flow masterKanban flow managerThe word "master" carries historical connotations related to slavery. In addition, the term may be seen as gender-specific.
male/female connector or fastenerconnector/receptacle, plug/socketUse of male or female anatomy to describe connectors and fasteners and sexualizing how they fit together is inherently problematic.
man-in-the-middleperson-in-the-middle, machine-in-the-middleUse of the word "man" is sexist and not inclusive.
master serverprimary server, main serverThe word "master" carries historical connotations related to slavery. In addition, the term may be seen as gender-specific.
master-slave (relationship)primary-replica, active-passive, active-standby, lead-supportThe word "master" carries historical connotations related to slavery.
master branchmain branch, trunkThe word "master" carries historical connotations related to slavery. In addition, the term may be seen as gender-specific.
mob programmingwhole team programming, swarm programming“Mob” generally has negative and derogatory connotations and has historically been disproportionately used in a racial context.
mom/girlfriend testuser testThe assumption that if a mom or girlfriend can use a program anyone can is both sexist and ageist.
red team;
white team;
yellow team
cyber offense;
cyber exercise cell;
DevSecOps team
Labeling “white” as good, “red” as attackers and/or “yellow” as excluded third parties has offensive racial connotations.
sanity checkquick check, confidence check"Sanity check" stigmatizes mental illness by using "sanity" as a measure for "correct" or "right" or "appropriate."
scrum masterScrum leader, Scrum guide, Agile leadThe word "master" carries historical connotations related to slavery. In addition, the term may be seen as gender-specific.
slave serversecondary server, standby serverThe word "slave" carries historical connotations related to slavery.
webmasterweb manager, website managerThe word "master" carries historical connotations related to slavery. In addition, the term may be seen as gender-specific.
white boxopen box, known box,Using "white" for things that are good, right or desirable and "black" when referring to things that are bad, wrong or undesirable perpetuates perceptions and stereotypes that harm and/or oppress people of color.
white hat hackersecurity researcher, ethical hackerUsing "white" for things that are good, right or desirable and "black" when referring to things that are bad, wrong or undesirable perpetuates perceptions and stereotypes that harm and/or oppress people of color.
white listallow listUsing "white" for things that are good, right or desirable and "black" when referring to things that are bad, wrong or undesirable perpetuates perceptions and stereotypes that harm and/or oppress people of color.

Contact Us

Share your comments or let us know if you are aware of terminology that may be problematic but isn't included in the above list.